Who we are

We are a body of believers meeting in Sierra Vista, Arizona, adjacent to the US Army base Forth Huachcua (Wah-chew-kah).  If you will be visitng southeast Arizona, we invite you to spend tome time with us.  if you are new to the area, come by and get to know us!

The Sierra Vista Church of Christ is a family of Christians worshipping and serving our Lord Jesus Christ.  We view the name "Church of Christ" as more of a descriptive term than a denominational title or affiliation.  Thus, our name "Church of Christ' simply means that we are a church that belongs to Christ.  We are committed to being a Bible-based and Christ-centered fellowship that lives for the glory of God, the spiritual growth of people, and the ministry to our community and the world.

We are a local, independent congregation of God's people, i.e., believers who have been baptized into Christ for the remission of sins, and who are comitted to living by faith in Christ.  We seek no affiliation with any organization larger than, smaller than, or other than this local congregation.  When we have the opportunity to cooperate with other faithful congregations of God's people, these efforts are always done so as to protect the autonomy and independence of all of the locat congregations involved.  It is our sincere desire to come to a full understanding of the teaching of Christ.  While we work together toward this goal, we agree to be tolerant of one another in matters we differ on.  Our joint action is based upon those things we agree the Bible teaches that the local church is authorized to do.

Our members are a cross-section of the population, and include "senior saints" and families and children.We welcome folks who are associated with the military, whether you're here because of PCS, TDY, or AIT, please join us!

What to expect

Come just as you are. We are casual but reverent. Our meetings generally consist of the singing of psalms, hymns, and spiritual song, prayer, teaching from the Bible, communion, and a contribution or offering. As a guest, you are welcome to participate or not in each of these.